Monday, December 12, 2011

The pregnancy

Everything about having triplet is... Unique. Picture this... You have been trying to have kids for what feels like a very long time. Finally you are pregnant and tired and well excited about making your big announcement. Normally you would expect to hear these words, "oh, congrats, when are you due?" well having triplets you hear this, "are you on drugs?" "was that even natural?" "I would kill myself" " oh you poor thing". now people do mean well and some comments are really out of concern but so it begins, life that is more unique now than you could ever imagine. Parents of multiples everywhere will empathize I'm sure. The up side is that when you get past the questions and comments people are so kind and so generous. I have never seen so many people be so willing to help and to give. Their kindness is so appreciated! Now with 3 infants life is very different and adjusting to it is part of life now. People said to me... Well good thing it's you not me because I couldn't do it. I say.. Stop under estimating your abilities. No matter what happens in life we rise to the occasion. Especially when the change is a such a huge blessing. Parenting is rewarding, parenting times 3 is just 3 times more the reward. So how am I doing it then? Well lots of help, very little sleep, and lots or prayer :)

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